Qualifications & Further Training

Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling (CSCT)

Advanced certificate in Therapeutic Counselling (CPCAB)

Certificate in Therapeutic Play Skills (PTUK)

Level 3 Safeguarding

Certificate Level 2 Understanding mental heath first aid and mental health advocacy in the workplace.

CPD Traumatic Bereavement: working therapeutically with C/YP (Anna Freud)

CPD Domestic Abuse and young people (PARAGON)

CPD Suicide and how to spot the signs (SAFE SPACE) & Suicide Prevention Conference

CPD Communication and Autism (SAFE SPACE)

CPD Gang and knife Crime Conference (Herts County Council)

CPD Mediation training (Family Lives) 

CPD working with trauma (CCS)

CPD Legal Issues in Therapeutic Work with children and young people (Peter Jenkins)

CPD Introduction to CBT for children, young people and families (Anna Freud)

CPD Group work training with Children and Young People (Nick Luxmore)

CPD Counselling victims of crime: Pre-trial therapy for children and young people (BACP)

CPD The uses of Story and Metaphor in counselling

CPD Working with Young People with Special Educational Needs-(2day training) Working with Anger (2day training) Adolescent development for counsellors (2day training)

CPD Group work with Young People (3day training) Solution Focused C/YP (2day training)

CPD Youth Access Certificate- Listening in colour working with Young People (8day training)