It really helped me to talk and understand secondary school and not be worried.
Age 11

It really helped me to tell about all the problems I was having at school, and it helped me with all the problems.
Age 14

Realising how much I’d changed, realising who I was before and becoming more me again.
Age 18

It really helped me to think more positively, I chilled out more and the techniques and coping strategies I was given helped me the most.
Age 15

Working through problems to see a possible solution that was different from my expectations. It really helped me to discuss possibilities and approaches and look at things from a different perspective.
Age 18

It really helped me to take a step back and look at what was going on in my life. I was then able to take the first step towards my goals and am now looking forward to where I will end up.

I’ve been able to tell someone what has happened and about the problems I have at school which has helped me not to react and to walk away.

Age 17

Knowing it’s private and time to think. Getting everything out.
Age 14

It was a really good feeling to offload. I had really low self esteem and bad low confidence and it’s helped me to think more positively, chill out more and use the techniques I was given.
Age 14

Discussing possibilities & opportunities and looking at things from a fresh perspective.
Age 11

It helped with friendship problems and my courage. It helped to talk and taught me how to solve problems.
Age 11

Counselling was really fun and it helped me to focus on myself and help myself, and I really found out who I really am.
Age 17