ReWellness Counselling – Specialising in Children’s Mental Health

Our Journey

In 2020, Rewellness Counselling was born as a partnership. We met in 2005 home-schooling our large families of 4 & 5 children each and both experienced and overcame numerous life changing events. This sparked our passion for children’s mental health. Our joint life experiences have shaped our journeys as people and counsellors as well as sparking a life-long friendship between us.

In 2013 Wendy unfortunately fell ill with a chronic illness after being bitten by a tick. This left her bedridden for a grueling two-year period, while Donna took on a caring role to support her. It was during this challenging time that our passion for holistic health and emotional/mental wellness began to grow. Despite seeking medical help, Wendy’s condition remained unresolved, leading us to explore alternative approaches. 

We came to realize that our emotional and mental well-being directly impacts our body’s ability to heal. This realization fuelled our belief that it is possible to reverse the effects of sickness and disease and achieve a state of “ReWellness”, through looking at the body as a whole and complete system, taking into account past traumas, emotions, and experiences that are stored within us, often compromising our immune system. We embarked on a journey to become counsellors, even though at that time Wendy was still very sick and often had to lay on the floor during lectures, we were committed to completing our training.

This put us on a transformative journey, becoming fierce advocates for healing and wholeness. Remarkably Wendy’s health improved through looking at the body holistically. We discovered the profound impact of nutrition, the influence of our environment, and the incredible potential of changing our thoughts and perspectives to find hope in the midst of what felt like a hopeless situation.   

Our mission became to help others on their own path to healing and well-being, drawing from our own personal experiences and understanding. We empathized deeply with the struggles individuals face and were committed to providing holistic support to promote healing and growth. Both having raised large families and navigating children & teens through a new tech & media age and the impacts that had on children’s mental health and self esteem, we were becoming more aware of the need for children to access good mental health support.

This led us to a programme dedicated to supporting women and children affected by domestic violence. It was here that we became focused on children’s mental health and saw the crucial need to create a safe space for children to express their stories and offer a sense of safety and calmness amidst the trauma and vulnerability they faced. Driven by this realization, we pursued further qualifications in working exclusively with children and young people. Expanding our vision to empower the younger generation by facilitating the hope needed to overcome their own emotional and mental struggles. We yearned for their voices to be heard, their wounds to be healed, and their potential to be fully realized. 

This is how “ReWellness Counselling” was born!

wellbeing icon childrens mental health

"We promote emotional wellbeing through a strong therapeutic
connection, supporting our clients with care and compassion."


We stand but our values & will help everyone

Commitment is the driving force behind our work. We are dedicated to providing exceptional counselling services that make a genuine difference in the lives of children and adults. Our employees are steadfast in their pursuit of growth, learning and delivering outstanding results for our clients.


Professionalism is non-negotiable. Our employees uphold the highest standards of ethics, integrity and discretion in all their dealings. They are skilled, knowledgeable and continuously strive to enhance their expertise. Clients can trust that they are in capable, trustworthy hands when working with our team.We are members of the BACP ( British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy) and work ethically within their Framework.


Confidentiality is paramount. We are committed to protecting the privacy and sensitive information of our clients. Our employees understand the critical importance of maintaining strict confidentiality and adhere to our robust data protection policies at all times.


Empowerment is central to our approach. We empower our clients to take an active role in their own wellbeing and personal development. Similarly, we empower our employees to utilise their skills, knowledge and initiative to deliver tailored, impactful support. By fostering a culture of empowerment, we enable our team to reach their full potential.